Food in a Flash

Chef Amanda Marrone




On the Ipod “Mom (feat. Kelli Trainor) by: Meghan Trainor

Today is my mom's 79th Birthday. 79. I bet you would have never guessed that if you saw her. I grew up with a couple of movie star looking strikingly beautiful. Their relationship was sort of like this... She looked in the mirror and saw all of the flaws... Not skinny enough, not tall enough, her hair didnt look right, wrinkles, whatever it was and when my dad looked at my mom he saw the perfect girl he married. Yeah yeah it seems sweet until you hear that your dad came home with a skin tight mermaid dress for your mom to wear to party a few weeks after she gave birth... 🙄 But he loved her. Anyways, Growing up my super mom did everything. She was at every game, recital, practice...she was queen playdate hoster. She made dinner every night and I don’t ever remember her complaining about it...I’m sure she did but well we never felt it.  She was always active in our elementary school, the same school Levi goes to now, she ran carnivals, worked in the library, had a relationship with every teacher, and is even a liftetime PTA member.  She mothered us even when we were messy and rude and super ungrateful little tyrants. And she mothered our friends as well. She rose to the occasion and she taught me, by example, everything I needed to know about being a parent. The thing is that it is 40 years later and my mom is still parenting me...when I lose it she doesn’t...she makes me a better wife, a better parent, a better friend and a better me. We spend the majority of our time with my mom and I want to make this clear... She helps me out alot...she watches my kids so that I can work but we are there because we wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.   She not only plays the role of BeBe to my boys and my nephews but she also welcomes all of my friends and their children into her home and her heart.  When one of my best friends got engaged last week,  I’m not sure who was more or my mom! She is a constant support for any and all that are around her. To tell you that I admire my mom is just not even enough. I really don’t know what I would do without her....Happy Birthday Mommy! I love you more than anything! 


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