Detox Broth

So there isn’t like a total recipe. 😂

Using all organic produce

1 head purple cabbage

1 onion

1 butternut squash

2 golden beets

2 pounds carrots

1 head celery

2 bunches of kale

3 inch piece of ginger root

4 garlic cloves

Pinch Hawaiian pink sea salt


Chunk all put into a 15 qt stock pot

Bring to boil

Reduce to simmer

Simmer for an hour or so

Strain into containers preferably glass but whatever is fine, do not keep the vegetable mixture.

 Start your morning with 6 ounces of hot water with half a lemon squeezed in. Then Drink 6 to 8 ounces of hot detox broth 30 minutes before each meal. Meals should consist of 4-5 ounces of lean protein and unlimited vegetables. At lunch you can add 1/2 cup brown rice. Afternoon snack 2 pickles (not sweetened)

Detox Broth

Detox Broth